Backing The Claim :: Bisco

Identifying the buyer

Bisco International is a manufacturer of adhesives and restorative products for the dental industry. The company was planning a line extension.

Machine Marketing did exhaustive primary research to illuminate insights and opportunities in the marketplace. Typically, dentists either use a core build-up or a metal post. The sales channels for the dental field are dominated by distributors.

The two largest; Patterson and Schein both carry competing brands. The category leaders, Kerr and GC America, both used these distributors. Machine Marketing found it made the most sense to market to the dentists directly. The fiber post was branded “The Perfect Post” in all marketing materials. The tactics included testimonial advertisements, publicity, direct mail that linked back to a micro site. A free trial kit was available through direct mail and the advertisements. The prospects were asked to provide an email address within their inquiry. These email addresses were used in a database to send quarterly newsletters that were treatment-oriented, with case studies provided by dentists.